Termékek vásároljon hegesztőgázt közelről (77)

Hegesztés - Tig - Mig (Acél - Rozsdamentes Acél - Alumínium) - Ponthegesztés és robothegesztés

Hegesztés - Tig - Mig (Acél - Rozsdamentes Acél - Alumínium) - Ponthegesztés és robothegesztés

Soudure - Tig - Mig (Acier - Inox - Aluminium)- par points et au robot


Table de soudure
Kohóipari munkák

Kohóipari munkák

SERTIP est spécialisé dans la réalisation de travaux de petite chaudronnerie sur mesure, répondant aux normes les plus strictes. Nous concevons et fabriquons des petites cuves, passerelles d'accès et autres structures hors standard, en utilisant des matériaux de haute qualité comme l'acier carbone et l'inox. Notre atelier de 1.500 m² est équipé d'outils modernes pour assurer une production efficace et précise, soutenue par une équipe de professionnels expérimentés. En choisissant SERTIP pour vos projets de chaudronnerie, vous bénéficiez d'une expertise inégalée et d'un service client exceptionnel. Notre capacité à gérer des projets complexes et à respecter les délais fait de nous un partenaire de confiance pour vos besoins industriels. Faites confiance à notre savoir-faire pour réaliser vos projets de chaudronnerie avec précision et efficacité.


Mecanic Systems, wishing to supply semi-finished and finished items, has equipped itself with several digitally controlled multi-purpose hydraulic bending machines (stamp + V). These guarantee the production of a vast range of items with a maximum length of 3,000mm. The tolerance for these operations is +/- 0.1mm per bend. Unfortunately, we cannot coil with this type of machine, but we can achieve facet folding (small bends every 5 or 10mm to arrive at the required radius). A sketch or a drawing is all that is needed for a positive or negative reply to bending with our equipment. For special bending requirements, a tool could possibly be designed for you.


Manual and robot welding, as well as point welding ( Steel - Inox - Aluminium )
12527B | Lézer - vágó- és hegesztőgépek

12527B | Lézer - vágó- és hegesztőgépek

- Power : Watts - Precision +/- 0.1mm - Displacement : 3000 x 1500 - Max thickness : Steel 12 mm, Stailess steel 6 mm, Aluminium 5 mm
Kombináló gép

Kombináló gép

With the acquisition in June 2011 of the Fiber Laser we have the possibility to work in combined mode as if we had a combination machine: punching takes place on the 5000R and laser cutting on the Fiber Laser after a very accurate optical calibration. This technology allows to get the best of both worlds: simple shapes are cut at optimal speed on the punching machine whereas more complex shapes are cut with the Fibre laser after optical calibration. It is also possible to perform thread forming and dimpling (form countersinking). The accuracy of these machine is 0.1 mm for metal sheets up to 3000x1500mm. They are equipped with an automatic loader and unloader.


This operation allows : Dimensioning the sheets from a standard format before machine runs. Supply of mill sheets to the customer's dimensions with a precision of ±0.2mm according to thickness.


To answer the increasing demands of our customers, we are now equipped with a sheet metal rolling machine which allow rolling of 2000 mm wide by up to 3 mm thick plates for a minimum diameter of 140 mm. Providing a drawing or a sketch is enough to answer on the possibility of performing the rolling of a specific piece.
Lézeres vágás

Lézeres vágás

Mecanic systems a été un des 1er en Belgique (1983) à faire confiance à cette technologie de découpe au laser. La découpe laser est sans limite au niveau de la géométrie de la pièce à réaliser, n'engendre aucune déformation ni dépouille au niveau de la coupe et permet d'atteindre une précision de +/- 0.1mm. Evoluant sans cesse, Mecanic Systems investit régulièrement dans des machines de plus en plus performantes, fiables, rapides et productives grâce à un système de chargement et de déchargement automatique. La variété des machines de découpe permet un choix le plus adéquat possible ce qui garantit au client des prix très concurrentiels.
1 Univerzális Dimpláló Gép

1 Univerzális Dimpláló Gép

Általános szerelő

Általános szerelő

Mecanic Systems, thanks to its machining division, can offer its customers the following services: -dimpling -tapping -brushing -inserting (see photograph) -tool machining -levelling machine
lézeres vágás

lézeres vágás

Mecanic Systems was one of the first in Belgium to put their faith in this revolutionary "LASER" blanking technology. A LASER transforms electrical energy into a laser beam oriented by mirrors that can be focused on a surface diameter of less than 0.2mm. As a factory tool, the laser is rapid, free from wear and tear and other constraints and of high precision. . This technology has the advantage of having no limit in terms of the geometry of the item, presents no deformation or relief in terms of cutting, and is accurate to +/- 0.1mm. Mecanic Systems, in a permanent state of evolution, regular invests in machines that are increasingly efficient, reliable, rapid and productive thanks to their automatic loading and unloading systems.
1 TRUMPF hajlítóprés

1 TRUMPF hajlítóprés

- 6 axis/1250mm
3 LVD PPEB hajlítóprés - 9 tengely/3000mm

3 LVD PPEB hajlítóprés - 9 tengely/3000mm

2 Trumpf L3050 lézergép

2 Trumpf L3050 lézergép

- Power : 500 Watts - Precision +/- 0.1mm - Displacement : 3000 x 1500 - Max thickness : Steel 25mm, Stainless steel 20 mm, Aluminium 13mm
2 Trumpf L3050 lézer

2 Trumpf L3050 lézer

- Power : 500 Watts - Precision : +/- 0.1mm - Displacement : 3000 x 1500 - Max thickness: Steel 25mm, Stainless steel 20 mm, Aluminium 13mm
1 Pemserter Sorozat 4

1 Pemserter Sorozat 4

1 LVD PP hajlító prés/2500mm

1 LVD PP hajlító prés/2500mm

1 Megmunkáló központ YCM

1 Megmunkáló központ YCM



Our machines can be equipped with a maximum of 30 standard-shaped tools (circles, oblongs, squares and rectangles). All these tools can be combined to punch simple geometrical shapes. We also have or produce forming tools or multiple tools that reduce the number of strokes and the production time. These machines work with a precision of 0.1mm on sheets of a maximum format of 2000 x 1250mm, with the possibility of repositioning on the length.
1 Weber (600 mm)

1 Weber (600 mm)

1 Luna MBC 8268

1 Luna MBC 8268

- Diameter : 140 mm - Length : 2000 mm - Thickness : max 3 mm
2 Felületi csiszológépek

2 Felületi csiszológépek

Tanulmány és elemzés

Tanulmány és elemzés

A plan, a rough, an idea for a new product, and Mecanic Systems will bring your wishes to life. For that, we have two specialist departments: CAD : Computer Assisted Design creates 3-D models of your assemblies and creates, according to machine possibilities, each of the components making up your product. CAM : Computer Assisted Manufacture, installed on several workstations, enables formation of the geometry of flat items and the conversion into machine programmes after sheeting. All these programmes are driven to CNC machines by way of a computer network.. These systems recuperate design files in the following formats: DXF, IGES, DWG. These can be sent to us on diskette, by zip or e-mail to mecasyst@mecasyst.be.
Trumpf Trumpf L5030 Fiber - Automatizálás

Trumpf Trumpf L5030 Fiber - Automatizálás

- Power : 3000 Watts - Precision : +/- 0.1mm - Displacement : 3000 x 1500 - Max thicknessSteel 20 mm, Inox 15 mm, Aluminium 15 mm, Copper 6 mm, Brass 6 mm
Vízsugaras vágás

Vízsugaras vágás

- Power : 3600 bars - Precision : +/- 0.3mm - Maximum dimensions : 3000 x 1500 - Finition Cut separation of Cut production - Materials Aluminium, Aciers, Inox, Cuivre, Laiton, Bronze, Caoutchouc, Plastiques, Pierre, Granit, Marbr
1 TRUMPF 5000 R lyukasztó prés

1 TRUMPF 5000 R lyukasztó prés

- Power : 22 Tons - Turret : 21 stations - Displacement : 3000 x 1650 mm - Max tickness : Steel 6 mm, Stainless steel 3 mm, Aluminium 6 mm
1 Köszörűmester (600 mm)

1 Köszörűmester (600 mm)

1 Elektro - Erozió Charmilles Robofil 290

1 Elektro - Erozió Charmilles Robofil 290
